Monday, November 30, 2009


Trabalenguas is the Spanish word for 'tongue-twister.' Apparently it's adorable when foreigners stumble over these tricky turns of phrase, so I am frequently asked to repeat one or another. The one my dear friends have me working on now goes as follows:

El volcán de Parangaricutirimícuaro se parangaricutirimicuarizó. Él que lo desparangaricutirimicuarizaré un buen desparangaricutirimicuarizador será.

No, it doesn't make any sense, so don't even try...


  1. haha i think i'm partial to "rapido corren las ruedas del ferrocarril." pinche letra R!

  2. damn the rr. It haunts me in my sleep. Someone probably tells me to say that ferrocarril one at least once a day.

  3. ME TOO! and then they laugh at me.

    crue and unusual, i tell you.
