You will notice that I predicted my return to this magical spot, and last Tuesday that prediction was fulfilled! And this time I brought the camera, so I can share with you what may very well be my favorite place in the world.
Myself, Dofus, Andrea, and my new friend Cristina all piled in to Cristina's old VW bug (called bochos) and made our way to the most special of places. Along the way we stocked up on vittles, chatted, and generally got really silly!
We arrived to the relatively crowded park (nice weather brings everybody out, even on a Tuesday before lunch), set up camp in a sunny spot, broke out the chelas, and sat talking until the heat got the better of us and we all went for a swim!
Important realizations of the day:
• a single piece of trident gum can be stretched to the width of the backseat of a VW bug
• wasp stings hurt
• potato chips a la diabla are the best food EVER
• the city harms your soul
• sometimes things are so beautiful you get teary
• and sometimes they're so beautiful that you have to sob like a baby, indecently and conspicuously, until you can do nothing but laugh (I believe there's a line from the Regina Spektor song On the Radio that pretty much sums up this realization: "You laugh until you cry/ You cry until you laugh/ And everyone must breathe/ Until their dying breath")
• my friends are my life, los quiero un chingo
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