Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Unas cositas

Quirky little things about life in Mexico that you might not know:

1. You tip the grocery bagger
2. You cannot flush toilet paper
3. There is no such thing as vegetable shortening
4. The "Twilight" series is so popular it's frightening
5. No one puts peanut butter on fruit
6. Oxxo convenience stores have everything you need (except shortening)
7. All men wear gallons of cologne
8. Word play with sexual connotation ("albur") is a national sport
9. Paper products are scented like chamomile (tissues, pads, TP, paper towels)
10. Wal-mart is more omnipresent here than in the USA


  1. mmm peanut butter... you should introduce them to this delicacy! Can you buy peanut butter there? I miss you btw

  2. Your hat is finished! Just finished attaching the pom-pon to the top.

  3. Thankfully, peanut-butter is available in large quantities. And I consider myself a peanut-butter missionary, spreading (get it? Spreading?) the good Word.

  4. Hehehe!!!! Do people actually eat a lot of plantain (bananas, not lawn greens...) in Mexico?

    Another question: I'm wrote down the pattern for the hat I made and wanted to publish an online tutorial. Would you be willing to model it?

  5. Plantains: eaten frequently, either as crunchy-fried chips served with a very sweet sauce, or as thick-cut and very soft pan-fried, then added to rice or eaten with salsa.

    If you're sure you want me to model it I would be happy to, but I'm probably not the best model you can find...

  6. Mmmmmm, that sounds so good. I might have to try the chips... I had it pan-fried the other day, and it really reminded me of the banana ketchup that the Central City Bar and Grill served with their sweet potato fries. I might have to do some culinary experimentation this winter.

    You are most certainly the best model I can find! Besides, it's a good excuse to go skiing or something. Miss you like crazy!!! <3<3<3
