Sunday, August 30, 2009

Lo que he aprendido

1. There is a second Ulysses Anthony in the world; he lives in Puebla and is in my history class.

2. Mezcal is an alcoholic beverage made from the agave plant. While made from the same plant as tequila, it is far more delicious; muchas gracias to our new friends in Atlixco.

3. Even in southern-ish Mexico in August, it can be very cold.

4. The bagels here are better than those in Massachusetts. Far, far better. Hang your head in shame, puritans!

5. Even though I have worked very hard to avoid taking biology classes here, I am finding that they are the ones to which I am most strongly drawn.

6. If someone wants to date you (so I have been told) they ask you officially, publicly, and generally with flowers.

7. Chuck Taylors are more common here than in the USA. They are also more affordable.

8. The more time my host sisters and I spend together, the more I realize that we are very similar. This makes me very happy, and my new goal is to be able to convince at least one person that we are ACTUALLY sisters before I finish studying here. (I also look a lot like the older sister, so that helps.)

9. Key to an intense cardio workout: dance at high altitude.

10. The traditional formula for the typical gringo name = first name + middle name + paternal last name. The traditional formula for the typical Mexican name = first name + second name + paternal last name + maternal last name. People look at you funny when they ask you for your last name and you only give them one.

11. I miss pizza. When I return, I would like a lunchtime combo from "A Pizza and More" in Homer, with one slice of plain cheese pizza, one slice of that chicken pizza with the mustard-y sauce, and a large root beer.


  1. #1: WTF!!! ...sooo weird!
    #2: Better than cough syrup? I'm not sure I can imagine it :^P
    #4: I always assumed that bagels were pooped out by Vermont hipsters... I'm totally surprised that mexico even HAS bagels!
    #10: That explains why I was always so confused tutoring spanish-speaking students who seemed to me to have too many last names, haha
    #11: As soon as you get back, we're all going to go!!! :^D

    Miss you a toooonnnnn!!!! Keep having fun, and say hello to your friends and host family for me!

  2. #1: seriously. I nearly died when he told me. The weird thing was that we we were in that awkward "I don't know your name but we've been hanging out for too long for me to ask you" scenario, so I'm, like, FRIENDS with the new Ulysses.

    #2: believe it.

    #4: I too was amazed. I didn't think good bagels even existed outside of NY, so mid-southern Mexico was a complete shock.

    I miss you soooo much!! I wish you were here; there's too many good stories and not enough friends to share them with.

    and #11: you bet your britches. I want extra red pepper.
